Gaelic tune - BUNESSAN
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Love is the Gracious Gift (of Your Goodness)
BUNESSAN is a Gaelic tune that was first published (melody only) in Lachlan Macbean's Songs and Hymns of the Gael (1888) as a setting for Mary Macdonald's carol "Child in the Manger." 

The tune is named after Macdonald's birthplace on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. 
BUNESSAN is intended for unison singing; use a light accompaniment on the organ 
(or organ trio style) or folk instruments. 

BUNESSAN is also well known as the setting for Eleanor Farjeon's "Morning Has Broken" (1931), published in many hymnals and widely popularized by Cat Stevens, who recorded an arrangement of the tune in 1971. 

On this first page... The song words, Love is the Gracious Gift was written by 
Donald E. Smith for the music. The following pages will have other song words, 
that were also written to the tune.

As the tune is played on each page (after the musical intro), you can read along 
with the text to see how each song fits perfectly with the tune.
Author: Donald E. Smith (1952 - )